This website is maintained by volunteer effort and funded by Coaley Village Hall. Our thanks to the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) who provided the funding and training to set up our initial website in 2012; Like all websites it periodically undergoes redesign and this is 3rd design iteration since then.
Village Clubs and Societies Coaley Amateur Dramatic Society Produce Show Friends of Coaley Church
Other useful links:
Cam and Dursley railway station (situated on the south-western border of the parish).
Gloucestershire County Council
Local history and industrial archaeology
The Lantern Way, a 14 mile circular walk that passes through Coaley, is described on this site. You can download a PDF guide here.
Coaley has many amenities, including a 300-year-old pub, The Old Fox, the Coaley C of E Primary Academy, St Bartholomew's church and a community shop.
Coaley Village Hall
Coaley Village Hall, The Street, Coaley GL11 5EB
Bookings: 01453 890788, Other: 01453 860510,