Coaley village hall lies at the heart of the village and provides communal space for local people. It offers a venue for a wide range of social and recreational activities and provides for all sections of the local community. The village hall is a registered charity run by a voluntary management committee. Coaley village hall acts as a focus for activities for all sections of the community with regular bookings for local clubs, private functions and key annual events.
Why a development Project?
As the development project commenced in 2010 the village hall building was over 50 years old and, while it had served us well, was in need of updating. The most urgent area was the roof, which suffered from periodic leaks (needing frequent running repairs) and had poor insulation qualities.The aspiration of local people to improve and develop the village hall was clearly identified in the Parish Plan published in November 2005 and was then verified by consultation in April 2011.
The development project was set up to refurbish and extend the existing village hall building. Initially plans were to integrate the community shop, but this changed & since then a modern building was funded by Coaley Community Shop, constructed from sustainable materials (with much volunteer assistance from villagers) and situated close to the hall Several phases of the Hall development project are now complete, funded by generous donations from many villagers, and future plans are continue to improve Hall facilities for a range of leisure, cultural and sporting activities within the a as well as extending opportunities for meetings and training provision.
Approximately £70,000 was raised to carry out Phases 1-3 .
We continue fund raising for the next Phases
Future phases look at providing accommodation for the community shop and improving other facilities for Hall users. If you can help by running an event, making a donation or assisting with applications for grants please contact us.
Coaley Village Hall
Coaley Village Hall, The Street, Coaley GL11 5EB
Bookings: 01453 890788, Other: 01453 860510,