Costs for hiring the hall or other facilities out for one-off events are in the tables below. Note that Coaley residents get discounted rates. In addition to these costs there will be a £50 refundable deposit on Hall bookings for events such as (for example) parties, wedding receptions, wakes, dances etc. This will be refunded provided the Hall is left in a satisfactory condition after the event.
If required a Drinks Licence can be added for £25.00, this includes hire of the Bar area.
Coaley Residents are invited to hire the facilities, as above, and will be granted discounted rates provided they reside within the parish boundary. Please contact the booking clerk for details.
Concessionary rates may be applied to clubs or societies that can demonstrate to the Trustees that their organisations purpose fulfils the objectives of the Village Hall Foundation. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Note that these apply to normal "club" meetings - if tickets are sold for special events then the standard hire rates will apply. Concessionary rate bookings may be asked to give way to normal rate booking if the normal rate bookings fulfil the objectives of the Foundation and are booked at least 4 weeks in advance.
Coaley Village Hall
Coaley Village Hall, The Street, Coaley GL11 5EB
Bookings: 01453 890788, Other: 01453 860510,